Publié le par Jacqueline de Croÿ



Roelie Post

  L'histoire cachée des 'orphelins' roumains

Jacqueline de Croÿ

  La storia non raccontata degli “orfani” rumeni
 The untold story of the Romanian 'orphans'

Bruxelles, le 9 mars 2007

       En 1999, la politique d’adoption des orphelins roumains s’apparentait à un système de traite d’enfant sous le couvert de la corruption. La Commission Européenne demanda à la Roumanie de réformer sa politique des droits de l'enfant, pour conditions de sa future adhésion à l’Union. Des fonctionnaires furent engagés à l’y aider. Parmi eux, Roelie Post qui emmène le lecteur dans ses huit ans d'aventures entre la Roumanie et la CEE.

       Les grands orphelinats furent fermés et la majorité des enfants placés aux seins de familles roumaines. Depuis, l’application de la réforme fait apparaître que l’adoption internationale n’a plus lieux d’être.  Un groupe de pression puissant et féroce s’est créé pour maintenir les adoptions internationales.

       A travers l'histoire des orphelins roumains, Roelie Post fait une autre lumière sur la politique globale de l’adoption internationale et les intérêts privés qui font concurrence aux droits de l’enfant.

       Elle raconte aussi sa rencontre avec les associations belges qui luttent contre la traite d'enfants, dont la Fondation Princesse de Croÿ, le Werkgroep Morkhoven et Marcel Vervloesem, qui s'attachent plus particulièrement à la perte de l’identité des enfants adoptés et l'aspect financier de l’adoption, ce qui prive des mineurs d'âge de leurs noms et leurs racines et les expose au marché de la prostitution.


       La Romania aveva bisogno di emendare la propria linea programmatica in relazione ai diritti dei bambini, quale una delle condizioni per il proprio futuro ruolo di Membro della UE. Sono stati chiusi grossi ‘orfanotrofi’ e sono stati sostituiti con moderne alternative per la tutela dei bambini.

       L’autrice ha tenuto un diario sul lavoro da lei svolto per la Commissione Europea con il fine di aiutare la Romania ad emendare il proprio sistema per la tutela dei bambini.

       Ma si rese ben presto conto che il sistema di adozioni internazionali in essere non era null’altro che un commercio di bambini, pieno di corruzione. Dopo le critiche ricevute a livello internazionale, questa pratica è stata temporaneamente sospesa. All’atto di emendare le leggi, è diventato chiaro che nella nuova linea programmatica elaborata in Romania per la tutela dei bambini non c’era ne’ posto ne’ necessità per adozioni internazionali.

       Si fece allora avanti un feroce gruppo di pressione (una lobby) determinato a preservare le adozioni internazionali.

       Il lettore viene accompagnato in un viaggio lungo otto anni e gli viene mostrata la storia degli orfani rumeni in un’ottica diversa, in cui la politica globale e gli interessi privati sono in competizione con i diritti dei bambini.

       In 1999, the adoption policy of the Rumanian orphans was connected to a system child trafficking, under cover of corruption. The European Commission asked Romania to reform its policy of children’s rights, for conditions of his future adhesion to the Union. Civil servants were sent to help them do so. Among them, Roelie Post who takes the reader along in her eight-year adventures between Romania and EEC.

       The big orphanages were closed and the majority of the children placed in foster care of Rumanian families. Since, the application of the reform reveals that the international adoption has no more reason to be. A powerful and ferocious lobby was created to maintain adoptions international.

       Throughout the story of the Rumanian orphans, Roelie Post gives another light on the global politics of the international adoption and the private interests which compete with the rights of the child.

       She also tells about her  meeting with Belgian associations fighting child trade, of which the Foundation Princess of Croÿ, the Werkgroep Morkhoven and Marcel Vervloesem, who are particularly concerned about the loss of identity of adopted children and the financial aspect of adoption, which deprives minors of age of their names and roots and exposes them to the prostitution market.

David Haworth, Irish Daily Mail said...

This is a shocking and forensic case history of how the lobbying nexus can work in Brussels, threats and all, as children's lives are cynically disposed of between the "In" files and the "Out". Few players emerge well from this story and some are out-and-out black hat villains. A salutary antidote to the EU's 50th anniversary celebrations.


Paul van Buitenen Member of the European Parliament said...

As a former European Commission official, I know that it is not obvious to write such a book. It is courageous and necessary to put this story on paper, as many misconceptions about the Romanian children's adoption issue float around and have even caused the European Parliament to adopt a misguided written declaration on this issue. Well done Roelie! Thursday, March 01, 2007 11:17:00 AM


Brian Douglas (British Humanitarian) said...

I am delighted to see that the Author has taken the time to put this book together. It is for certain a story that needs telling, so the world can read this untold, true story of Romania's orphans and I recommend the public to purchase a copy, so that they will understand the truth of the interferences that tried to protect their interests rather than that of the children. Well done Roelie!


Rupert Wolfe-Murray said...

Bravo Roelie. I am delighted that someone has finally told this story. I also know that she was the driving force behind Romani's reform of its child welfare system. Rupert Wolfe Murray


Werkgroep Morkhoven, (Belgian NGO fighting child trade) said...

The untold story of the Romanian children is essential testimony, related to the fight of child trade by an EEC civil servant. We highly recommend this book to all who feel concerned by the issue of adoption and child trade, showing the true situation and how the higher officials deal with it.


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